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Dripping Faucet Or Pipe: Four Signs You Need To Call A Plumber Sooner Rather Than Later

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If you have a drip in a faucet, a pipe or a toilet, you are losing water every day. Although drips waste water, you can sometimes put a pan under the leak while you save money for a proper repair. In other cases, you need to call an emergency plumber immediately. Here are four signs you should call a plumber sooner rather than later:

1. You cannot tell where the drip is originating

If you have found a patch of moisture on a wall near a bathroom or on the opposite side of the kitchen sink, that is an indication that you have a drip in the wall or under the house. Unfortunately, because you cannot see the drip, there is no way to put a pan under it. Similarly, there is also no way to tell how extensive the drip is or how much damage it is causing. If you cannot see the drip (but you can hear it or see moisture), you need to call an emergency plumber like P1 Plumbing & Electrical to assess the situation and ensure major damage isn't occurring.

2. The dripping water is hot

If you can see and feel the drip, check its temperature. If it is hot, you are paying both for the water and for the heat to warm the water. Rather than letting hot water drip out of your pipes, contact a plumber to fix the situation.

3. The drip is from a sewage pipe

In almost every case, dripping water is clean water coming into your home or grey water leaving a sink or bathtub. In rare cases, however, you can get a drip from a sewer pipe. Dripping sewage is absolutely not safe, and you should call an emergency plumber immediately. If the dripping water is not sewage but you have sewage backing up in the bathtub or a sink, that is a sign that your drip is causing bigger issues somewhere in your plumbing framework.

4. You don't know how to turn off the water

In many cases, even a novice can tackle minor drips. If you have a dripping faucet, repairing it may be as simple as taking apart the faucet and adding an o-ring or rubber seal that costs next to nothing. In other cases, you can simply remove a bit of PVC pipe and add a new length of pipe. However, in order to make these simple repairs possible, you need to turn off the water to your home. If you don't know how to turn off the water, you also need to contact a plumber.
